Elbow & Wrist Classes

Elbow & Wrist Classes

All classes in the category are focused on the elbow and wrist. This section is still growing, so be on the lookout for more elbow and wrist classes to be added in the coming months!

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Elbow & Wrist Classes
  • Wrist and Elbow Class 2: Rotation, Flexion & Extension

    This is an elbow and wrist class focused on rotation, flexion, and extension. This is a great class who like ground-based workouts, CrossFit, or anyone struggling with pain in the area.

    Props needed: light-medium band, low anchor point

  • Wrist & Elbow Class 1 | Basics Never Get Old

    This is a wrist and elbow class focused on wrist rotation, extension and flexion, and elbow pronation/supination

    Props needed: one stick/pole, one light to medium-weight

  • Upper Body Class 1: Elbow, Wrist, Shoulder & Scapula

    This is an elbow, wrist, shoulder & scapula class focused on wrist rotation, elbow pronation/supination, scapula CARs, and shoulder flexion.

    Props needed: one stick/pole, one yoga block (to hover over)