Hip Class 07: Strength in Flow
Hip Classes
This is a hip class focused on external rotation, flexion, and abduction. This class will build up to a pistol squat. There are options for all students depending on strength and joint function.
Props needed: seat/bench, two yoga blocks
Up Next in Hip Classes
Hip Class 08: Rotation Madness
This is a hip class focused on rotation from the side-lying and butterfly base positions.
Props needed: Static band (non-stretch), one yoga block, light-medium ankle weight
Hip Class 09: Weighted End-Range Control
This is a hip class focused on extension, adduction, and rotation. Get ready to work off your knees and dig deep for lots of lift-off variations
Props needed: two yoga blocks and a light-medium ankle weight (optional two sticks/poles)
Hip Class 10: 90/90 Foundations
This is a hip class focused on hip rotation. This class is going to be primarily based from the 90/90 position.
Props needed: light-medium ankle weight and one yoga block