Full Library (All Classes)

Full Library (All Classes)

This is the master library of all classes within this platform. Classes will range from 10-60 minutes and vary from joint-specific to full-body classes. There are also skills-based classes focused on the development of specific movement tasks.

If you don't know what you're looking for I would use the categories function to help narrow down a good starting place for you. (by joint or class length)

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Full Library (All Classes)
  • Ankle & Foot Class 1: Runner's Feet

    This is an ankle and foot class focused on inversion, eversion, flexion, extension, toe segmentation, and grip. Wow, that's a lot. This is a premiere foot session that will have lots of take-aways. This was filmed in the basement of my brother's house while on holiday. I hope you enjoy it!


  • Spine Class 20: Segmentation Deep Dive

    This is a spine class focused on challenging segmentation in multiple base positions.

    Props needed: Seat/bench, foam roller/yoga block, light band, one stick/pole, hand anchor point (same as sit up anchor)

  • Spine & Neck Class 18: Core Business

    This is a spine class focused on flexion and core strength. Today we have a guest with us to help teach the class. It's always a treat with a student in class to help better understand cues.

    Props needed: seat/bench, foam roller/yoga block, and a hand anchor point (same as sit-up anchor)

  • Hip Class 21: Internal Rotation Deep Dive

    This is a hip class focused on internal rotation. Today we have a student demoing for class which is always nice to have a second person to add more context. Get ready to smash internal rotation.

    Props needed: one yoga block, seat/bench, a heavy weight, and a light ankle weight

  • Hip Class 23: Ground Flow

    This is a hip class focused on flexion and extension. We will move through three different base positions, half kneeling, butterfly, and number 4.

    Props needed: Two sticks/poles, two yoga blocks, one lacrosse ball/socks

  • Hip Class 19: Half Kneeling Shorty

    This is a hip class focused on flexion and extension. This is a short and fun class based out of the half-kneeling base position

    Props needed: two yoga blocks, two sticks/poles

  • Intro Video 1: How to Use Platform

    If you're new to the platform, it will be helpful to watch all the intro videos to learn how to get the most out of the platform.

    Equipment Needed:
    - 2 yoga blocks,
    - 2 sticks/poles,
    - Set of bands
    - Mat for floor work
    - Ankle weights are optional.

    All links can be found at:

  • Shoulder & Scapula Class 19: Push Up & Extras

    This class will focus on shoulder flexion, extension, and scapula retraction. These shoulder aspects will help with overhead pressing, pull-ups, push-ups, bench press, and rowing movements.

    Props needed: one stick/pole

  • Intro Video 2: CARs Explanation

    CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations) are the expression of a single joint's full range of motion. We isolate one joint at a time and practice using it fully.

  • Knee Assessment

    This is a 8-minute video guiding you through a self-assessment of the knee.

    Props needed: Static strap, a pen and paper

  • Spine Assessment

    This is a 9-minute video guiding you through a self-assessment of the spine

    Props Needed: Phone to film yourself

  • Wrist Assessment

    This is a 5-minute video guiding you through a self-assessment of the wrist

    Props needed: Pen and paper

  • Ankle Assessment

    This is a 8-minute video guiding you through a self-assessment of the ankle and foot

    Props needed: Yoga block, pen and paper

  • Elbow Assessment

    This is a 4-minute video guiding you through a self-assessment of the elbow

    Props needed: Pen and paper

  • Shoulder & Scapula Class 16: Rotation Goodies

    This is a shoulder and scapula class focused on rotation. Rotation is the foundation of shoulder health. The deepest part of the shoulder is rotational in nature, meaning we want to improve rotation before other movement paths.

    Props needed: two yoga blocks

  • Intro Video 3: How to Navigate Pinch Points & Pain

    It's important to learn how to interface with pain and training. When we can achieve this our training will make leaps and bounds.

  • Lower Body Class 02: Squat Building Blocks

    This is a lower body class focused on building a better squat. From the hips to the knees and the ankles, the squat demands a lot from us. Even elite athletes and lifters will benefit from this class, just because you can squat, doesn't mean you won't get helpful insights.

    Props needed: One yoga...

  • Hip Self-Assessment

    This is a 10-minute video guiding you through a self-assessment of the hip.

    Props needed: Static strap, a pen and paper

  • Shoulder Self-Assessment

    This is a 12-minute self-assessment of shoulder function.

    Props needed: Two yoga blocks, a bench/chair, and a pen and paper.

  • Intro Video 4: PAILs/RAILs Breakdown

    Learn what PAILs (Progressive Angular Isometric Loading) and RAILs (Regressive Angular Isometric Loading) mean and how you can get the most out of this technique.