Hip Class 20: Extension End-Range Control
Hip Classes
This is a hip class focused on rotation and extension. This class was filmed while living in Nessy (the bus) traveling for the summer. Enjoy the view and the class.
Props needed: two yoga blocks, two sticks/poles, light band, low band anchor point, heavy weight/wall
Up Next in Hip Classes
Hip Class 21: Internal Rotation Deep ...
This is a hip class focused on internal rotation. Today we have a student demoing for class which is always nice to have a second person to add more context. Get ready to smash internal rotation.
Props needed: one yoga block, seat/bench, a heavy weight, and a light ankle weight
Hip Class 22: The Flexion Gods
This is a hip class focused on rotation and flexion. Get ready to challenge your hip flexion in various ways. We have a surprise finisher you don't want to miss.
Props needed: two yoga blocks, two sticks/poles, heavy weight/wall, heavy ankle weight
Hip Class 23: Ground Flow
This is a hip class focused on flexion and extension. We will move through three different base positions, half kneeling, butterfly, and number 4.
Props needed: Two sticks/poles, two yoga blocks, one lacrosse ball/socks