12-Week Hip Program

12-Week Hip Program

Welcome to the 12-week hip program. I created this program for someone who wants to improve their hip function, strength, and range of motion. You will take every class twice. Please keep in mind you can navigate this program however you see fit. My recommendation is to lay out your schedule like this: (you could also take all classes once, then repeat the whole program)

Week 1: Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3
Week 2: Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3

Week 3: Class 4, Class 5, & Class 6
Week 4: Class 4, Class 5, & Class 6

Week 5: Class 7, Class 8, & Class 9
Week 6: Class 7, Class 8, & Class 9

Week 7: Class 10, Class 11, & Class 12
Week 8: Class 10, Class 11, & Class 12

Week 9: Class 13, Class 14, & Class 15
Week 10: Class 13, Class 14, & Class 15

Week 11: Class 16, Class 17, & Class 18
Week 12: Class 16, Class 17, & Class 18

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12-Week Hip Program
  • Hip Class 01: Bearsit & Butterfly

    This is a hip class focused on rotation. This class will be based out of three base positions, bearsit, butterfly, and side-lying hip internal rotation.

    Props needed: Two yoga blocks, two sticks/poles

  • Hip Class 02: Half Kneeling Base

    This is a hip class focused on flexion and extension. We will be working both aspects of the hip from a half-kneeling position. A pad/yoga mat might be a nice addition for today's class

    Props needed: two sticks/poles, two yoga blocks, light-medium ankle weight

  • Hip Class 03: Glutes & Inner Thighs

    This is a hip class focused on abduction and adduction. We will be feeling a lot of work through the glutes and the inner groin.

    Props needed: two sticks/poles, two yoga blocks, light-medium ankle weight

  • Hip Class 04: 90/90 & Extras

    This is a hip class focused on rotation and flexion. We will be based out of 90/90 position with lots of lift-offs and hinges added within the flow.

    Props needed: Two yoga blocks, light-medium ankle weight

  • Hip Class 05: The Stanky Leg (straight leg)

    This is a hip class focused on abduction and extension. We will work from straight-leg half kneeling and standing positions. Without a doubt will leave you feeling challenged

    Props needed: two sticks/poles and a seat/bench

  • Hip Class 06: Go With the Flow

    This is a hip class focused on creating capacity in all directions of the hip. We will travel through frogger, tabletop, and Number 4 without breaking the flow today.

    Props needed: one yoga block

  • Hip Class 07: Strength in Flow

    This is a hip class focused on external rotation, flexion, and abduction. This class will build up to a pistol squat. There are options for all students depending on strength and joint function.

    Props needed: seat/bench, two yoga blocks

  • Hip Class 08: Rotation Madness

    This is a hip class focused on rotation from the side-lying and butterfly base positions.

    Props needed: Static band (non-stretch), one yoga block, light-medium ankle weight

  • Hip Class 09: Weighted End-Range Control

    This is a hip class focused on extension, adduction, and rotation. Get ready to work off your knees and dig deep for lots of lift-off variations

    Props needed: two yoga blocks and a light-medium ankle weight (optional two sticks/poles)

  • Hip Class 10: 90/90 Foundations

    This is a hip class focused on hip rotation. This class is going to be primarily based from the 90/90 position.

    Props needed: light-medium ankle weight and one yoga block

  • Hip Class 11: Flexion Hovers & Extension Lift-Off's

    This is a hip class focused on flexion and extension. Get ready for lots of hip flexor strength and glutes.

    Props needed: two sticks/poles, two yoga blocks, and a light-medium ankle weight

  • Hip Class 12: Half Kneeling Rotation

    This is a hip class focused on rotation and extension. If you sit a lot for work, THIS IS FOR YOU.

    Props needed: two poles/sticks, a heavy weight OR wall/couch, one yoga block, light-medium band, and low band anchor point

  • Hip Class 13: Bearsit & Straight-Leg Work

    This is a hip class focused on hip rotation, flexion, and abduction. This will help take practical steps working front and side splits for all people, even if that's not a goal, this will be a hip class you don't want to miss.

    Props needed: seat/bench, two poles/sticks, and one yoga block

  • Hip Class 14: Building Into the Lateral Lunge

    This is a hip class focused on rotation and flexion. We will use the 90/90 base position to build into a continuous tension lateral lunge.

    Props needed: two sticks/poles, light ankle weight

  • Hip Class 15: Tender Thigh & Stability

    This is a hip class focused on rotation, abduction, and adduction. This class is going to fire up the inner thighs, glutes, and stabilizers.

    Props needed: one stick/pole, two yoga blocks, light ankle weight

  • Hip Class 16: Improve Your Seated Position

    This is a hip class focused on flexion and extension. We will work from a straight-leg seated position for the majority of the class.

    Props needed: two sticks/poles and one yoga block

  • Hip Class 17: Bulletproof Your Shinbox

    This is a hip class focused on rotation. This class will be primarily based in the 90/90 position. Lot's of lift-offs and hovers today

    Props needed: one yoga block and light ankle weight

  • Hip Class 18: Strength in Lateral Lunge

    This is a hip class focused on hip extension and abduction. We will use these capacities to build into a lateral lunge.

    Props needed: two sticks/poles and two yoga blocks