12-Week Spine & Neck Program

12-Week Spine & Neck Program

This is a class-based training program using Kinstretch, which is a specific type of mobility. The program is focused on developing a stronger spine and neck by improving the tendons and ligaments that attach to the spinal vertebrae and allow you to control them.

Welcome to the 12-week spine and neck program. I created this program for someone who wants to improve their spine and neck function, strength, and range of motion. You will take every class twice. Please keep in mind you can navigate this program however you see fit. My recommendation is to lay out your schedule like this: (you could also take all classes once, then repeat the whole program)

Week 1: Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3
Week 2: Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3

Week 3: Class 4, Class 5, & Class 6
Week 4: Class 4, Class 5, & Class 6

Week 5: Class 7, Class 8, & Class 9
Week 6: Class 7, Class 8, & Class 9

Week 7: Class 10, Class 11, & Class 12
Week 8: Class 10, Class 11, & Class 12

Week 9: Class 13, Class 14, & Class 15
Week 10: Class 13, Class 14, & Class 15

Week 11: Class 16, Class 17, & Class 18
Week 12: Class 16, Class 17, & Class 18

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12-Week Spine & Neck Program